Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Latest News in Nigeria - NigerianEye is a Nigerian Online NewsPaper and Breaking News Source. [8], The Polisario Front, mainly backed by Algeria, is described by itself and its supporters as a national liberation movement that opposes Moroccan control of Western Sahara, whilst it is considered by Morocco and supporters of Morocco's claims over the Western Sahara to be a separatist organization. Its first Secretary General was El-Ouali Mustapha Sayed. They do, however, provide indications that a legal tie of allegiance existed at the relevant period between the Sultan and some, but only some, of the nomadic peoples of the territory, through Tekna caids of the Noun region, and they show that the Sultan displayed, and was recognized by other States to possess, some authority or influence with respect to those tribes. [29] On December 20, Mauritanian troops succeeded taking over Tichy and La Gera, after two weeks of siege. In its presentation to the ICJ, the Moroccan side also mentioned the levy of taxes as a further instance of the exercise of sovereignty. Its design is based on that of the Palestinian flag,[2] which in turn was derived from the colors used in the Arab Revolt. The demonstration of some 350,000 Moroccans advanced several kilometres into the Western Sahara territory. The Ifni War, sometimes called the Forgotten War in Spain (la Guerra Olvidada), was a series of armed incursions into Spanish West Africa by Moroccan insurgents that began in October 1957 and culminated with the abortive siege of Sidi Ifni.. Mauritania, under the regime of Ould Daddah, had a weakened army of 3,000 men,[33] which was unable to fend off the attacks. [citation needed]. Its government resides in exile in Tindouf, Algeria. It evacuated the Sahrawi population to the Tindouf refugee camps due to Royal Moroccan Air Force bombing of the refugee camps on Sahrawi land with napalm and white phosphorus. "[4]. Mauritania later abandoned all claims to its portion in August 1979 and ceded this area to Popular Army of Saharwi Liberation (Polisario), but it was instead promptly occupied by Morocco. The French Air Force deployed SEPECAT Jaguar jets to Mauritania in 1978 under the orders of President Valry Giscard d'Estaing, which repeatedly bombed Polisario columns headed for Mauritania with napalm. 205 to 497. [3], In 1979, Mauritania signed a peace treaty with the Polisario Front, and Morocco annexed the part formerly controlled by Mauritania. During AugustSeptember 1991 the Royal Moroccan Army (RMA) conducted offensive operations in the areas of Mehaires, Tifariti, and Bir Lahlou and cleared the area of any Polisario presence. 8. [196] In closing, the letter stated, "We remain convinced that the U.S. position, favoring autonomy for Western Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty is the only feasible solution. Guedra is a music and dance style associated with the Tuareg "blue people" of the Moroccan sahara. Some of the states announcing support of the "right of self-determination" currently recognize the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. The deposit is one of the largest phosphate mines in the world, producing around 2.4 million tons per annum. Western Sahara, Arabic Al-ar al-Gharbiyyah, formerly (195876) Spanish Sahara, territory occupying an extensive desert Atlantic-coastal area (97,344 square miles [252,120 square km]) of northwest Africa. When the European Court of Justice ruled that the Western Sahara was not part of Morocco, the kingdom relaxed its border controls, prompting several crossings of migrants into Ceuta. Even taking account of the specific structure of that State, they do not show that Morocco displayed any effective and exclusive State activity in Western Sahara. Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on The flag is a tricolor of three equal horizontal stripes (black, white, and green from top to bottom) overlaid by a red triangle issuing from the hoist. Like other demarcations of Spain, such as Cantabria, which created their symbols taking as references the flags of their maritime provinces, the Saharawi National Union Party created its flag based on that of the Maritime Province of Villa Cisneros, until its entry into the Polisario Front in a meeting held on October 12, 1975, with the leadership of said movement. In January 1976, the Royal Moroccan Air Force also bombed the refugee camps in the northern part of the territory. Agenda items 5559", "Declaracin del Director General de Asuntos Bilaterales de la Cancillera cubana, Emilio Lozada Garca", "New Ambassador of the Saharawi Arab Republic presents credential letter to President of Timor Leste", "Ricardo Patio se rene con embajador de la Repblica rabe Saharaui", "La Embajada Saharaui en Ecuador suscribe un Memorando de Cooperacin con la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana", "DEFENSORA DEL PUEBLO CONMEMOR LOS 34 AOS DE RELACIONES DE AMISTAD ENTRE PUEBLO ECUATORIANO Y PUEBLO SAHARAUI", "Sahara occidental: le Prou reprend langue avec la Rpublique arabe sahraouie aprs 25 ans", "Statement by Yoseph Kassaye, Representative of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia at the General Debate of the Fourth Committee of the 76th Session of United Nations General Assembly of the United Nations", "Ethiopia, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Discuss Issues Of Common Concerns", "QUESTIONS OF GIBRALTAR, GUAM, WESTERN SAHARA DISCUSSED IN SPECIAL POLITICAL AND DECOLONIZATION COMMITTEE", "The word that reignited the Western Sahara debate", "Declaracin de Gerardo Torres, Vicecanciller de la Repblica de Honduras en ocasin de su visita a la Repblica Sahraui democrtica los das 11 y 12 de Febrero 2022", "Vicecanciller Gerardo Torres inicia gira por el norte de frica", "The truth behind Morocco's diplomatic crisis with Iran", "Kenya backs Saharawi self-determination", "Kenya risks diplomatic spat with Morocco on backing of neighbour", "Kenya sides with countries pushing for Western Sahara independence", "Lesotho diplomatic missions Lesotho Embassy in Kuwait", "Special Committee on Decolonization 'No Longer Relevant' to Overseas Territories of United Kingdom, Fourth Committee Told", "El Grupo de Amistad Mxico-Repblica rabe Saharaui Democrtica fortalece la diplomacia parlamentaria", "Ministra Macamo concede audincia ao Enviado Especial do Presidente da Repblica rabe Saharau", "Moambique desafia Marrocos a respeitar princpio da soberania do Saara Ocidental", "Fourth Committee Taking Backward Steps on Western Sahara Question, Says Namibia's Representative, amid Continuing Debate on Decolonization Issues", "Foreign minister denounces colonial subjugation", "We want Western Sahara independent Geingob", "Namibia wants Western Sahara ceasefire upheld", "Buhari backs Western Sahara on self-determination from Morocco", "POLTICA EXTERIOR PANAMEA POSICIONA AL PAS EN LA AGENDA DE DESARROLLO GLOBAL", "VICE CANCILLER RECIBE VISITA DE CORTESA DE EMBAJADOR DE LA REPBLICA RABE SAHARAHUI DEMOCRTICA EN PANAM", "Restablecimiento de relaciones diplomticas con la RASD", "Castillo se rene con ministro saharaui tras ratificar reconocimiento de Per", "Rwanda's Paul Kagame takes oath of office for third term", "President Faure receives Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic", "28th AU Summit-President Faure takes groundbreaking stance on Morocco's readmission", DECLARATION ON THE SADC SOLIDARITY CONFERENCE WITH WESTERN SAHARA, "Statement by Ambassador Jerry Matjila, Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations, during the Closed Security Council VTC Meeting on the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), 9 April 2020", "South Africa notes situation in Western Sahara on the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO)", "General Assembly Adopts Text on Status of Georgia's Refugees, Internally Displaced, Calling upon Geneva Participants to Intensify Efforts", "Semi-Recognized Western Sahara to Recognize South Ossetia", "Greetings of the Republic of South Ossetia Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Sahara Arab Democratic Republic on the occasion of 35 anniversary of the Declaration of Independence Day of SADR", "Sudn del Sur decide restablecer las relaciones con la RASD", "South Sudan and the Saharawi Republic agree to re-establish diplomatic relations", "Syria's Bashar al Assad Embraces Western Sahara Separatists", "Diplomatic Relations Between Morocco and Iran Sour Over Western Sahara Dispute", "Decolonization Considered long ago by United Nations to be 'Irresistible and irreversible' only outcome in modern world, Fourth committee told", "Waziri Mahiga ampokea Mjumbe Maalum kutoka Sahrawi", "Acuerdo Marco de cooperacin entre Uruguay y la Repblica rabe Saharaui Democrtica", "REPBLICA SAHARAUI EN BUSCA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA", "Vanuatu and the Saharawi Republic establish diplomatic relations at Ambassadorial level", The Saharawi Journalists and Writers Union, "PM Salwai labeled Kilman's comments as money campaign over the issue of West Papua", "Paraguay y la Repblica saharaui reanudan las relaciones diplomticas", "Western Sahara: Venezuela's President Chavez calls for liberation of the Sahrawi people", "Venezuela reitera solidaridad con la Repblica rabe Saharaui Democrtica y exige cumplimiento de resoluciones de la ONU", "General Information about Countries and Regions", "Statement by the representative of Antigua-and-Barbuda", "Antigua and Barbuda reiterates support for Morocco", "Sahara issue: autonomy initiative, 'good path' towards peace in the region, Azerbaijan FM", " ", "Bahrain opens consulate in Western Sahara city of Laayoune", "King of Bahrain backs Morocco's territorial integrity", "Bahrain to Open Consulate General in Morocco's Laayoune", "Bahrain to open consulate in Western Sahara, Morocco says", "Question of Western Sahara: Report of the Secretary-General", "Bahrain and UAE welcome US recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara", "Burkina Faso Opens Consulate General in Morocco's Dakhla", "Sahara issue: Burkina-Faso reiterates support for Morocco's position", "Time for International Reengagement in Western Sahara", "28 African Countries Call On The Immediate Suspension Of The "SADR", "Burundi Opens General Consulate in Laayoune", "This year, the AU could work to Morocco's advantage over Western Sahara", "Cabo Verde vai abrir embaixada em Rabat e consulado em Dakhla em Marrocos", "Central African Republic Opens Consulate General in Laayoune", "First foreign diplomatic post opens in Western Sahara", "Western Sahara: DR Congo Opens Consulate General In Dakhla", " ", "Dominica: PM Roosevelt Skerrit signs roadmap of cooperation with the Kingdom of Morocco", "Eastern Caribbean states open consulate in Western Sahara", "Western Sahara, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Gibraltar Take Centre Stage, as Pacific Regional Seminar on Decolonization Continues", "Equatorial Guinea Inaugurates Consulate General in Morocco's Dakhla", "L'Eswatini et la Zambie ouvrent leurs consulats Layoune", "Maroc - Sahara occidental - Q&R - Extrait du point de presse", "Gabon Opens Consulate General in Laayoune", "Sahara: Gambia Opens Consulate in Dakhla, Dealing another Hard Blow to Polisario", "4th Committee approves text on Western Sahara at conclusion of debate on decolonization issues", "1INTERVENCIN DE GUATEMALA DEBATE GENERAL CONJUNTO COMISIN POLTICA ESPECIAL Y DE DESCOLONIZACIN75 PERIODO DE SESIONES DE LA ASAMBLEA GENERALDE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS", "COMUNICADO SOBRE LA DECISIN ANUNCIADA POR EL GOBIERNO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMRICA DE RECONOCER LA SOBERANA DEL REINO DE MARRUECOS SOBRE EL SAHARA OCCIDENTAL", "Forty Countries Attended Ministerial Conference on Autonomy Initiative for Moroccan Sahara Region", "Sahara: Guinea Opens Consulate in Dakhla, Another Diplomatic Setback for Polisario", "Guinea-Bissau Opens Consulate General in Morocco's Dakhla", "Haiti - Diplomacy: Inauguration of the Consulate of Haiti in Dakhla (Morocco)", "Magyarorszg tmogatja Marokkt a Szahara-krdsben", "Israeli minister backs Moroccan claims to Western Sahara sovereignty - Al-Monitor: Independent, trusted coverage of the Middle East", "Israel backs Morocco's autonomy plan in Western Sahara", "Shaked affirms support of Morocco on Western Sahara, says she's 1st Israeli to do so", "Cote d'Ivoire Opens General Consulate in Morocco's Laayoune", "Jordan opens Consulate in Morocco's Laayoune", "Jordan to Open Consulate in Western Sahara Amid Dispute", Kiribati Delegation statement to the Fourth Committee of the 75th Session of the General Assembly , 23 October 2020 on the issue of the Western Sahara, " .. ", "Liberia Officially Opens Consulate in Morocco's Dakhla", "Former Polisario Ally Malawi Reiterates Support for Morocco", "Maldives supports Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara", "Netherlands backs Morocco's Western Sahara autonomy plan- statement", "Netherlands Backs Morocco's Western Sahara Autonomy Plan Statement", "Oman Reaffirms Support for Morocco's Autonomy Plan in Western Sahara", "Papua New Guinea Affirms Moroccan Spirit of Western Sahara", "Concluding General Debate, Speakers Call for Modernization of Fourth Committee's Approaches to Western Sahara, Israeli-Palestinian Issues", "DEPUTY PERMANANT REPRESANTATIVE PAPUA NEW GUINEA PERMANANT MISSION TO THE UNITED NATION", " ", "Akhannouch travels to Qatar to reinforce Morocco's position in the Persian Gulf", "ntrevederea ministrului afacerilor externe, Teodor Melecanu, cu Nasser Bourita, ministrul afacerilor externe i cooperrii internaionale al Regatului Maroc", "ntrevederea ministrului afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu cu ministrul afacerilor externe, al cooperrii africane i marocanilor din strintate din Regatul Maroc, Nasser Bourita", "Statement by the representative of Saint Lucia", "St. Lucia's senate president supports Morocco's autonomy plan as a suitable solution to the regional sahara conflict", "Sao Tome and Principe Inaugurates Consulate General in Laayoune", "Senegal opens consulate in Dakhla, signs agreements with Morocco", "Serbia Reiterates Position on Morocco's Autonomy Plan as Serious and Credible Solution for Sahara Issue (Joint Statement)", "Joint statement from the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Morocco", "Sierra Leone to open consulate general in Dakhla on Monday", "Continuing General Debate, Fourth Committee Speakers Emphasize Proper Resourcing of Peacekeepers, Spotlight Mission Transitions as Critical Juncture", "Sierra Leone reaffirms support to Morocco's Sovereignty over the Sahara, opens a consulate in Dakhla", "Somalia signs agreements with Morocco, supports Morocco's territorial integrity", "Somalia Expresses Support for Morocco's Operation", "Spain, Seeking Better Ties With Morocco, Shifts Stance on Western Sahara", "INAUGURATIE DIPLOMATIEKE VESTIGINGEN VAN SURINAME IN MAROKKO", "Suriname opent ambassade en consulaat in Marokko", "La Marocanit du Sahara n'est pas ngociable", "THE ROLE OF UAE IN THE TENSION BETWEEN MOROCCO AND THE WESTERN SAHARA", "Virtual Presence Post for Western Sahara", "Morocco to normalize ties with Israel in deal with Trump over Western Sahara", Security Council under pressure over human rights in Western Sahara, Francia impide que la ONU vigile los derechos humanos en el Shara. The signers[clarification needed] included Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Republican Minority Leader John Boehner. Moroccan settlers currently make up more than two thirds of the 500,000 inhabitants of Western Sahara. The Moroccan government was of the opinion that this allegiance existed during several centuries before the Spanish occupation and that it was a legal and political tie. The eastern Sanhaja included the Kutama Berbers, who had been the base of the Fatimid rise in the After attempting in vain to gain backing from several Arab governments, including both Algeria and Morocco, but only drawing faint notices of support from Libya and Mauritania, the movement eventually relocated to Spanish-controlled Western Sahara to start an armed rebellion. RT @BreikaBeiba: #WesternSahara community aka #MoroccanSaharawi is happy to be part of Moroccan delegation to share #Green policy/projetcs with the rest of the world. The government-backed Moroccan Cinematographic Centre (CCM), which had funded the films creation with some $380 000,said it had suspended the operating permit and called it a betrayal of the agreed production. Idem p. 103 and Annex no. The conflict erupted after the withdrawal of Spain from the Spanish Sahara in accordance with the Madrid Accords (signed under the pressure of the Green March), by which it transferred administrative control of the territory to Morocco and Mauritania, but not sovereignty. Today the conflict is The Ifni War, sometimes called the Forgotten War in Spain (la Guerra Olvidada), was a series of armed incursions into Spanish West Africa by Moroccan insurgents that began in October 1957 and culminated with the abortive siege of Sidi Ifni.. The war, which may be seen as part of the general movement of decolonization that swept Africa throughout the latter half of the 20th Western Sahara is on the United Nations list of non-self-governing territories. The Polisario Front (pro-independence), supported by Algeria, wants an independent state in Western Sahara, a vast desert area that Morocco considers part of its own territory. Find latest news from every corner of the globe at, your online source for breaking international news coverage. Within months after the 19751976 Moroccan offensive, Polisario had expanded to thousands of armed fighters. The flag of Western Sahara (Arabic: ) also known as Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic uses a national flag consisting of a black, white and green horizontal tricolor charged with a red star and crescent in the center stripe and a red chevron at the hoist. Opposition of France to monitoring of human rights in Western Sahara "disgrace for Europe" (Austrian parliamentarian). 110-76, 6 June 2007, pp. It is also Africas last colony. (Seven years later, he formally agreed to a referendum before the Organisation of African Unity). #UPR41Morocco #EPU41 #SaharaOccidental . [196] The letter referenced UN Security Council Resolution 1813 (2008), and encouraged President Obama to follow the policy set by President Clinton and followed by President Bush. In 1958 Spain joined the previously separate districts of Saguia el-Hamra (in the north) and Ro de Oro (in the south) to form the province of Spanish Sahara. Commenting on a 2004 free trade agreement with Morocco, US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick stated in a letter to Congressman Joe Pitts in response to his questioning, "the United States and many other countries do not recognize Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara and have consistently urged the parties to work with the United Nations to resolve the conflict by peaceful means. [47], In 1984, Polisario shot down a Belgian airplane as well as two Moroccan aircraft. Morocco later gained control over most of the former Spanish Sahara, which it continues to hold. Non-western state systems. A comprehensive peace treaty was signed on August 5, 1979, in which the new government recognized Sahrawi rights to Western Sahara and relinquished its own claims. The ICJ stated that there were historical legal ties of allegiance between "some, but only some" Sahrawi tribes and the Sultan of Morocco, as well as ties including some rights relating to the land between Mauritania and other Sahrawi tribes. While other countries like the U.S. and Norway excluded resources from occupied Sahrawi territory from free trade negotiations with Morocco, Canada did not. On 6 November 1975 approximately 350,000 unarmed Moroccans[6] converged on the city of Tarfaya in southern Morocco and waited for a signal from King Hassan II to cross into the region of Saguia El Hamra. 10/12/1975). The following year, however, MiningWatch noted that Nutrien continued to profit from the export of phosphate from Western Sahara through its 22 percent ownership of the Chinese company Sinofert, which Western Sahara Resource Watch (WSRW) reported as being involved in the trade of phosphate from the occupied territory. The gesticulations and agitations of South Africa reflect its inability to act on the issue, Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita said. On 7 October 1989, Polisario launched a massive attack against Moroccan troops in For example, every year the European Union imports tens of thousands of tonnes of fish illegally caught in Sahrawi waters. This stalemated the war, with no side able to achieve decisive gains, but artillery strikes and sniping attacks by the guerrillas continued, and Morocco was economically and politically strained by the war. The UN recognizes neither Moroccan[5] nor SADR sovereignty over Western Sahara. It has provided aid to the 'Polisario Front'. #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #SDGs #GlobalWarming #GreenIsBetter #ParisAgreement #SaharaOccidental #Morocco #_ #COP27 . 7. Light cavalry groups of the Third and Fourth Thirds of the Legion. Since 1975, Morocco has encouraged 200,000 of its citizens to settle in Western Sahara, a mass transfer of Moroccan citizens [which is] undoubtedly an effort to affect facts on the ground in the colonized territory. RT @Simo__Ben: Dear @AnrtPage & @Ministere_TNRA Can you investigate why @GoDaddy @GoDaddyHelp is giving false information about a big part of Morocco The Southern area of Morocco is using +212 & not the samoa country code +685 The 3 national operators in #Western_Moroccan_Sahara use +212 . The prolonged cease-fire has held without major disturbances, but Polisario has repeatedly threatened to resume fighting if no break-through occurs. This was the first deployment for the jets since Morocco purchased them in 2011. The Green March was a well-publicized popular march of enormous proportions. [22] While, at first meeting just minor resistance by the Polisario, Morocco had later engaged in a long guerrilla warfare with the Sahrawi nationalists. However, unrest simmered, and in 1967 the Harakat Tahrir arose to challenge Spanish rule peacefully. As of 2020, the mandate for MINURSO has been extended 47 times[14] and it maintains its presence in the country, but has yet to fulfill its mission by organizing a referendum. ICJ, Reports 1975, p. 83. The Moroccan government refers to Western Sahara only as "Moroccan Sahara", the "Saharan provinces" [citation needed], or the "Southern Provinces". , Polisario had expanded to thousands of armed fighters 29 ] on December,... December 20, Mauritanian troops succeeded taking over Tichy and La Gera, two... Camps in the world, producing around 2.4 million tons per annum, Algeria on from every corner the! 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