Overall Warfare5. Because of the sinsof their ancestors, they may be in bondage due to curses lasting many generations. Our life expectancy is lower and nearly two-thirds ofthat discrepancy can be contributed to deaths before the age of 50. By the end of three weeks I have depression, diarrhea if I eat, stomach painsif I didn't eat, bad headaches, dizziness, etc. Haggard, (Doctor Veterinarian Medicine). Hallucinogens 2. REVERSAL 1. 9 Normal Numbers 2. For organizations and people that have requested a Deliverance Manual , are in the ministry of deliverance and healing, and we have supported financially and with our time. 37 Many children today are not allowed to bond with theirparents, therefore they never feel truly accepted or at oneness with the people they arenaturally supposed to bond with. Youmust be proactive and take responsibility for your own health and the health of yourfamily. Lists Of Demons 1. Anoint with oil and pray for healing for the operation and where the spirits have left in the body. He inevitably deludes himself whoattempts to delude God. I decide to take the pill and be a nice obedientpatient. List Of Demons7. Curses 3. LIST OF SCRIPTURE2. 10,Take notes of all the responses of the demon, 11. Heal the sick, 5 Pain Killers13. Matthew 5:34-37 forbids swearing or taking an oath to false Gods. And what are governments and societies getting in return?5. DEMONIC WOUNDS AND DISEASES CommentsSome wounds and diseases are purely physical, and some are caused by demons. The abuse of drugs is an attempt to satisfy rejection.Looking up rejection in the Bible, I have found that God has not rejected a singleperson who has not persisted in rejecting God. Our own government agencies that were formed to help protectthe public's interest and be the watchdogs over the drug companies have literally sold outto the pharmaceutical industry. We use the word of God, written andspoken, against the forces of evil. This may not be a short period of time.3. See I Sam. Read PDF Deliverance And Healing Training havoc in your body. We have power over the demons through the name ofJesus Christ of Nazareth. You May freely use the lessons as God directs you! I command you never to return. This means applying theprinciples of casting out demons and anointing with oil for healing.2. REFERENCES GENERAL PRAYERI forgive my ancestors (upwards), descendants (downwards) and anyone else (outwards)that has cursed or hurt me (those outside of me). For many, stress is at anall time high and our bodies are beginning to break down! Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Fourth, have someone take us through deliverance (or do self deliverance) for anyspiritual effects of taking pharmaceuticals or of the cutting of the flesh. Prayer 2. I Cor. Approximately half a billion workdays are lost each year because of alcoholism alone, a 2% loss in productivity.6. We break curses, spells, hexes, other evil sent upon us by enemies who seekto steal, kill, destroy: mentally, physically, spiritually, financially.We renounce and destroy occult literature, going to fortune tellers, reading horoscopes,believing in reincarnation, psychic and occult contact. Identify Problems (do a Spiritual History - short or long) 2. I also noticed that I had the symptoms of all the things he had said theblood test suggested I might have. 10:2 Help othersHosea 4:6 Swearing or taking an oathMal. But some other gifts besides life thatwe have given them frequently puts them in bondage before birth. Apollo is the God ofmedicine, etc. We call for spiritualwarfare to set the captives free. In 2002, the combined profits of the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 were 35.9billion. We send armies ofwarring angels to attack. 20 Consider other personnel: nurses, attendants, pharmacists as a group.4. We forgive our ancestors and others cursing us by practicing these things.Please forgive us for practicing these things cursing ourselves. Psychiatry monopolizes international mental health and demands trillions of dollars from governments each year for its services.2. Break Demonic Ties (curses - soul ties - demonic holds - demonic ties) 4. Beginner's Deliverance Manual Minister John Harrison Healing and Deliverance Ministries John L. Harrison 3604 Sugarcreek Dr. Tampa, Fl. Absenteeism, medical expenses and lost productivity as a result of abuse are costing employers an average of 3% of their total payroll - roughly half the typical company's payments for an employee's Social Security coverage. Satanbecomes a part of your mind at those times, not God. Paralysis 5. We forgive enemies, falseprophets, diviners, witches; individuals working with evil spirits; covens of witches,warlocks, wizards; persons in witchcraft, sorcery; casting spells, potions, enchantments,curses; psychic prayers, witchcraft control, those who have cursed us.We renounce satan and his kingdom of evil. 5 The Ministry of Deliverance PG. DISEASE12. If these elements were the complete answer, then whyare the incidents of cancers, diabetes, heart disease, allergies, asthma, fibromyalgia,arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, and many other diseasesincreasing at an alarming rate? 1 1 out of 2people will get an autoimmune disease. Many of the bad emotions we have are theirs. The drug generation has entered the work force. crystal balls or by their souls and spirits. The medical golden rule - do not take any newdrug until it has been in use for at least seven years. As faras sins they have committed, they are innocent. If you have not yet read a Healing And Deliverance Manual review, then you should do so immediately. The listsare for those commonly found associated with these problems. Print length : 141 pages RebellionFeelings of being Disobeyed, Transgressed, Violated, Disregarded, Defied, Infringed,Shirked, Resisted, Mutiny, Rebelled and Revolted.Rebellion, Self-will, Stubbornness, Disobedience, Anti-submissiveness, Evil Plottingand Planning, Lying, Greed, Hate, Evil Control of Others, Destruction, UnrighteousJudgement, Subversion, Rock Music, Resistance, Christian Rock, Interference, Deceit,Friction, Trickery, Repulse, Betrayal, Defiance, Pride, Aggressiveness, False Love, Scorn,Arrogance, Sorcery, Conniving, Seduction, Confusion, Sullen Masculine Women, Taking 38. 19 List Of Demons9. Pharmacist (Greek - Pharmakia) To practice witchcraft or use medicine; also poisonor medicine.4. RejectionFeelings of being Rejected, Refused, Repudiated, Declined, Denied, Rebuffed, Repelled,Renounced, Discarded, Thrown Away, Excluded, Eliminated and Jettisoned.Rejection, Fear of Rejection, Self Rejection, Poor in Spirit, Pride - Ego - Vanity,Double Mindedness, Roots of Rejection, Ahab-Jezebel Complex, Destruction of FamilyPriesthood, Dominance, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Rebellion, Withdrawal,Overpermissive, Too Harsh, Lying, Guilt, Distrust, Inability to Communicate, WitchcraftControl, Ugliness, Schizophrenia, Anger, Rejection from the Womb, Smoking, Drinking,Dementia Praecox, Instability, Agony, Inability to Give or Receive Love, Insecurity,Inferiority, Fantasy, Unreality, Sexual Perversion, Frustration BitternessFeelings of being Bitterly Cursed, Rebellious, Sharp, Acrid, Embittered, Poisoned,Violent, Provoked, Vexed, Grieved, Sorrowing, Bitter Herb, Calamity, Bile, Venom,Angry, Chafed, Most Bitter and Provoked.Bitterness: Resentment, Hatred, Unforgiveness, Violence, Temper, Anger,Retaliation, Murder.Diseases: Cancer, Arthritis and diseases that come in through Bitterness andUnforgiveness. This can set up barriers between the Holy Spirit and the person's will or desire toseek the Lord. And as ye go, preach, saying, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. This is a comprehensive Deliverance manual that you can print and use during training. Theseare both prescribed and are on the shelf with the assumption they are safe to use or theywould not be available. OVERALL: PRAYER - COMMAND - WARFARE Overall PrayerAlmighty God, please forgive us for omission - commission, known - unknown,deliberate - inadvertent sins by the blood of Jesus Christ. Please forgive me for sins that would open meup to these attacks and I forgive myself for my mistakes.LORD JESUS CHRIST, please forgive me for spiritual blocks to healing: unforgiveness,ignorance or lack of knowledge, no relationship with GOD according to knowledge,personal and family sins, not having faith in GOD, the need to see a miracle, looking forsigns and wonders, expecting GOD to heal on one's own terms, looking to man ratherthan GOD, not being honest and transparent, flagrant sin or habitual sin, robbing GOD intithes and offerings, sin of our parents, looking to symptoms and not to the Healer, lettingfear enter your heart, failure to get away in prayer and fasting, improper care of the body,not discerning the Lord's Body, touching GOD's anointed leaders, immoderate eating,pure unbelief, failing to keep our life filled up with GOD, not resisting the enemy, justgiving up, looking for repeated healings instead of divine health, rejecting healing in theAtonement as part of the covenant for today, trying to bypass the penalty of the curse,murmuring and complaining, hating and not obeying instruction. The Hippocratic OathMatthew 5:34-37 forbids swearing or taking an oath to false Gods. We are the army of the Lord. PDF Self Inner Healing 53:2; Jer. The failure of JESUS to develop ideas of injury and persecutionrules out the possibility of a paranoid psychosis. 2 PREAMBLE 1. Prayer 2. Diseases Found in Deuteronomy 28 . 39 Diseases Found in the Bible.. 40 Princes, Kings & World Rulers .. 40 Paralysis .. 40 Roots of Infirmity .. 40 Ailments.. 40 Spiritual Names Of Demons . 40 PRAYER FOR HEALING . 41 SPIRITUAL ROOTS OF DISEASE . 42 Lists Of Demons . 42 General Diseases 42 Specific Diseases .. 42 Fear, Anxiety and Stress Disorders 42 BALDNESS - BEARDS - HAIR. 43 Prayer 43 Everybody . 43 Women. 43 Men 43 Curses 43 List Of Demons 43 DRUGS AND MEDICINES.. 44 List Of Demons 44 DRUNKENNESS AND GLUTTONY. 45 Prayer 45 LIST OF DEMONS 45 HEALING FOR KIDNEYS .. 46 Prayer 46 List Of Demons 46 DELIVERANCE AND HEALING FOR CANCER AND ARTHRITIS .. 47 Arthritis 47 CANCER . 47 PERFECTING LOVE 48 Prayer 48 List Of Demons 48 ORGANS AND SYSTEMS OF BODY .. 48 REFERENCES . 49SECTION 7 - CHANGE YOUR BRAIN CHANGE YOUR LIFE 50 PREFACE 50 FIVE OF THE BRAIN SYSTEMS 50 PROBLEMS IN THE DEEP LIMBIC SYSTEM 51 Deep Limbic Checklist 51 PROBLEMS WITH THE BASAL GANGLIA SYSTEM . 51 Basal Ganglia Checklist.. 51 PROBLEMS WITH THE PREFRONTAL CORTEX . 52 Prefrontal Cortex Checklist 52 PROBLEMS WITH THE CINGULATE SYSTEM.. 52 Cingulate System Checklist .. 52 PROBLEMS - DOMINANT (USUALLY LEFT) TEMPORAL LOBE 52 This is the power or practices ofwitches, sorcery, black magic or irresistible fascination with Satan and his demons.6. <> Baggage International Policy. Zachariah Mthethwa. Since I have beenoff the drug for three weeks, I no longer feel any symptoms that were suggested to me. 7:10-12 LIST OF SCRIPTURE 22:18 Aaron's rod swallowed their rods. UNHOLY ASSAULT PSYCHIATRY VERSUS RELIGION2. PDF Learn How To Cast Out Demons & Heal The Sick! - Deliverance Revolution The second part is the ethical code which reflects Pythagorean ethics. This is a comprehensive Deliverance manual that you can print and use during training. It seems most pharmaceutical companies are aggressivelylooking to increase profits by creating new long-term treatments - not looking for cures. 7,1nner healing (2 or 3 alters) "Presence of the Lord" 8,Deliverance prayer and declarations, 9.Te11 (client) Go to the "Presence of the Lord. No, for there are curative and healing arts which do not alter themind or attitudes toward God. For example, click here to find out how you can save an additional 10% on Healing And Deliverance Manual . 12 It may be a respectable seduction like food, work,play, prestige, money or non-respectable like street drugs, abnormal sexual activities,murder, abortion, witchcraft, etc. O Lord, send Your axe of fire to the foundation of my life and destroy every evil plantings of sicknesses in my body in jesus name. Many do not believe the gifts of the Spirit and power of God are for today, including deliverance, healing, prophecy, etc. I askGOD to bless them with spiritual blessings, bring them into truth and meet their needs outof His Riches in Glory through CHRIST JESUS. You must not be complacent.Don't be mistaken that good health is present when there is an absence of pain orsymptoms. Idolatry (worship of evil spirits) - enchantment (sorcery), occultism, magic, witchery,witchcraft, charm, bewitched and medicine man; all these use drugs (poisons) to causeillness or influence others against their will.7. Cast out demons of drugs and medicines, various spirits,groups of drugs, appetites and addictions, hallucinogens, narcotics, stimulants,depressants, tranquilizers, antidepressants, sedatives, pain killers, Valium, Librium, etc.including their side effects. Your mind is unsound when under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 2 Corinthians 10:4 KJV. %PDF-1.4 PROBLEMS - NONDOMINANT (USUALLY RIGHT) TEMPORAL LOBE . 52 PROBLEMS WITH EITHER OR BOTH TEMPORAL LOBES .. 53 Temporal Lobe Checklist 53 THE DARK SIDE 53 BRAIN POLLUTION 53 THE MISSING LINKS. 53 HELP! VALIUM AND LIBRIUM (EXCERPTS)9. Theworld we live in is killing us. If you are not a Christian, then you needto get saved by JESUS CHRIST. We renounce satan and hiskingdom.We have sought supernatural experience apart from God. The modern diet is full of junk food,processed foods and high levels of preservatives and additives. Resources available for learning about healing and deliverance ministry are available at the Renewal Center in the Library. Rejection 2. PHYSICIANPhysician: Jer 8:22, Mt 9:12, Mk 2:17, Lk 4:23 & 5:31, Col 4:14.Physicians: Gen 50:2, 2 Chr 16:12, Job 13:4, Mk 5:26, Lk 8:43.Strong's: to cure, heal, make whole, to mend by stitching, cure, cause to heal, repair,thoroughly make whole, to slacken, abate, cease, consume. An estimated42% of the entire population will be obese by 2030. PDF Deliverance & Healing When you have an elevated emotion, take notice of events that are triggering the emotion. 6:19 Sacred Temple 10:31 Glorify God Satan is God of this world.II Cor. I command families of demons tocome out of me and bring their works with them as your name is called. I forgive myself for sinning against my body. Healing and deliverance ministry training pdf PDF simple keys for self-deliverance They areusually rejected children from rejected parents. PREAMBLE TO HEALING DELIVERANCE MANUAL ProcedureI believe that we should do the following when we need healing or deliverance fromdiseases:First, we should seek GOD for deliverance and healing. That same country has infantmortality rates and longevity rates worse than third-world countries. This is my motto. OINTMENTOintment: Ex 30:25, 2 Kin 20:13, 1 Chr 9:30, Job 41:31, Ps. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. This manual gets updated each year. We bind the forces of evil; destroy the kingdom of evil. Download HEALING DELIVERANCE MANUAL PDF for free. The soul was a waste of energy and that manwas simply another animal. BODY CURED AND HEALED BY DELIVERANCE 1. Many Christians are attacked by witchcraft. Ten percent of the labor force (11.5 million people) have a drinking problem.4. REFERENCES COMMENTSThere are two elements to the use of physicians and medicine. I do not want to bring you intobondage of condemnation, fear, guilt, intimidation, or any other disturbing emotion forusing the medical profession. REVERSAL SATANIC SUPERNATURAL POWER REVERSALWE REVERSE SATANIC SUPERNATURAL POWER AGAINST CHRISTIANSFROM: DEMONIC PRAYERS, BLASPHEMY (CONTEMPT), EXECRATION ANDIMPRECATIONS (CURSING), INVOCATIONS (CONJURING), PROFANITY(LANGUAGE), RETRIBUTIONS (PUNISHMENT). We pray the holy bible, andask in the name of Jesus Christ: Lord - master - savior. THE CITIZENS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTSINTERNATIONAL2. Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides.5. REFERENCESThe Citizens Commission On Human Rights International, Los Angeles, CA:Psychiatry: An Industry Of Death Documentary SupplementPsychiatry's Multibillion-Dollar FraudPsychiatry's BetrayalPsychiatric RapePsychiatry Education's RuinPsychiatry A Human Rights Abuse And Global FailurePsychiatry Destroys MindsPsychiatry Destroying ReligionPsychiatry Victimizing The ElderlyPsychiatry Manipulating Creativity 35 Familiesaround the world are getting fed up. This book will help you develop the skills of Healing And Deliverance Manual with ease. We have to purposefully appropriate healing. I encourage you to make copies and distribute them for the Glory of God. Preface 2. GODtold me to first take someone through deliverance and secondly pray for them to behealed. Althoughthe pharmaceutical business is corrupt, it seems to have full support up to the highestlevels of our government. The medicalmodel claims there is no mental activity that is due to the spiritual dimension. PDF HD - Could You Not Watch With Me One Hour - Razor Planet More than 196,000 people die and 2.2 million are injured each year by adversereactions to prescription drugs. The Greek root word in the New Testament means to cure or make whole.Satan, as the God of this world, has introduced into the realm of medicine a group ofchemicals and drugs spelled relief, relievers, tranquilizers, uppers, downers, etc. Synthetic chemical chemical ful withdrawalSTP similar to mushroom symptomsas LSD, alkaloid psilocybin None Same as above warfare.intense and Atropine-like Same as above synthetic Risk of Abuse Loss ofdays irritability, NarcoticsDrugs, Slang Name Description Medical UseOpiumappetite, Dried coagulated milk Treatment ofimpotency of unripe opium-poppy pain, severePain pod diarrheaMorphine 10-1 reduction of Treatment of(M, Miss Emma) crude opium severe painHeroin(H, Horse, Junk, Converted morphine NoneSmack) StimulantsDrugs & SlangCocaine (Coke, Name Description Medical Useappetite,Corrine,Happy Isolated alkaloid Anesthesia ofDust, Snow) of cocoa leaf eye and throat weight loss, insomnia 26 These have no curative value but may serve to deepen theplight of the victim. and Salt YourWay To Health by David Brownstein, Medical Alternatives PressHealth and Nutrition Secrets, Health PressEat Right 4 Your Type, C.P. Yet while almost half of the elderly who receive ECT die within two years, psychiatrists continue to electroshock millions of people throughout the world, killing as many as 10,000 people. PDF Prayer Manual - Gene Moody - ver 4 - Healing And Deliverance Ministries They do not know how their treatments affect patients.7. This is also why the Cast Out Demons (In THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZ- ARETH) 5. MEDICINE'S BONDAGE TO SATAN (EXCERPTS)1. It issimilar to a person getting drunk, falling down on the floor and spirits coming into thebody.Spirits can come in with the drugs that are taken especially when the person becomesaddicted to them. It contains vital information surrounding the subject and will help you become better informed about it. Get Right With God (forgive - re - pent - renounce as appropriate) 3. GENERAL1. He is theGod of destruction, medicine, archery, prophecy, music, poetry and represents thehighest type of masculine beauty.Aesculapius is the God of medicine, the son of Apollo by a demon nymph.